Area Career Center
The Area Career Center was created in 1919 and has resided in its current building since 1950. While it was formerly known as Hammond Technical Vocational High School, its current format houses 13 career pathways that are attended by ten high schools throughout The Region. This unique model allows the ACC to truly prepare students for careers in our area, as our student population is a microcosm of regional workforce demographics.
Spring Break
Good Friday - No School
Memorial Day - No School
Last Day of School
Get ready to ignite your passion for robotics! Join us at the Hammond Robotics Open Hou...
Eligible students invited to learn about the ACC NTHS chapter.
Parents/Guardians are invited to come tour their child's Area Career Center Program...
We are pleased to announce that National Technical Honor Society Member, David Jones (E...
It is the policy of the Area Career Center (ACC) not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability in its career and technical education programs, services, and activities, including employment policies and practices. The ACC will take steps to assure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the ACC's career and technical education programs. For information regarding nondiscrimination policies, please contact:
LaTerra Smith, TitleIX/Section 504 Coordinator,
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