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High Ability Program

High Ability Program Information

District Mission Statement for High Ability Learners

The School City of Hammond (SCH) recognizes that some students perform at, or show the potential to perform at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in the core academic areas of language arts and mathematics when compared with others of the same age, experience, or environment. SCH recognizes that these high-ability learners are found in all socio-economic, cultural, and ethnic groups. These learners require a differentiated curriculum, instruction, and assessment in order to meet their unique cognitive and affective needs.  SCH will provide an optimal learning environment to enrich student learning with rigorous and differentiated curriculum. All schools will provide appropriately challenging educational experiences to allow individual students to develop and expand their learning potential.

District Definition of High Ability

The School City of Hammond defines High Ability students as children with outstanding abilities who perform at or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with other students of the same age, experience or environment. Students can have high ability in language arts, mathematics or general intellectual abilities. IC 20-19.15.1-2

The School City of Hammond identifies students as high ability in the following areas:  Math Only, Language Only or General Intellectual (both Language and Math).

The Indiana Department of Education requires school districts to identify high ability students, K-12, and provide them with the appropriately differentiated curriculum and instruction.  Per IC 20-10.1-5.1-2, the state defines high ability (gifted) students as “one who performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests.”

District Program Goals of the High Ability Program

To provide high ability learners intellectual, social, and emotional support allowing them the opportunity to meet his/her potential. The high-ability student will meet their academic potential through enrichment opportunities and educational services at an appropriately challenging level. To identify the students in need of high ability services in our schools the below items will be followed:.

  • Implement an unbiased identification process based upon specific criteria using reliable and valid qualitative and quantitative testing measures to identify students in reading, math or both.
  • Establish a broad-based committee that includes stakeholders from a multitude of areas (parents, administrators, community members, teachers, specialist, and students).
    • Meet annually to review the aspects of the high ability program including identification and curriculum.
    • Modify the identification plan and the curriculum, when appropriate.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the high ability program.
  • Provide families with information about high ability programs offered through the school corporation, universities, and other entities Inform families (guardians, parents, etc.) about high ability programs and provide resources about parenting a high ability child.
  • Provide differentiated support, services, and affective curriculum at each grade level K-12
  • MTSS -Utilizing Class Catalyst in grades K-12
    • Weekly Social Emotional Lessons
    • Character Traits
  • Interventions  geared toward specific need based on the results
  • School Counselors and/or social workers are available.
  • Create a variety of program options that offer advanced content and differentiated instruction specifically designed to help students identified as high achievers maximize student growth.
    • Refer to the NAGC Curriculum rubric to develop a curriculum for high ability students
    • Refer to the state standards to support the high ability curriculum
  • Offer professional development opportunities for educators, so they can learn to recognize the characteristics of giftedness and how to meet the unique needs of high ability students.
    • Provide high ability certified educators the opportunity to attend the Indiana Association for Gifted Conference in Indianapolis
    • Share research-based articles, videos, webinars and literature focusing on the characteristics of high ability students

Have additional Questions?  

The high ability pages of our district website are designed to answer most frequently-asked questions. Please read information here first rather than requesting a meeting or phone call as all of our high ability staff have additional school responsibilities and are thus not regularly able to meet individually with parents in person or by phone.


Dr. Paige McNulty

High Ability Coordinator -

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