Teacher Resources
- AP Exams - The College Board has developed resources to help schools support student learning during extended closures, as well as a solution that would allow students to test at home, depending on the situation in May.
- Edmentum - Here you can access a number of free resources to continue teaching and learning during school closures.
- Kahoot! - This game-based learning platform makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes.
- Occupational Therapy Support Services - Wondering how Occupational Therapy has been impacted by elearning? Looking for activities that can be carried out at home with adult supervision? This site has the answers you need.
- Seesaw - The provides a growing resource of grade-level and subject-specific activities.
- Social Worker Activities & Resources - In addition to the resources and activities featured on this site, you’ll also find the email addresses of the SCH Social Workers should you need to get in touch with them.
- Words of Support - Our school psychologists have created a website for teachers, parents, and students. The topics include grief and loss, mindfulness, stress management, community resources, emotional support, and others. The site uses various modalities (articles, video, cartoons, quotes, etc.) with both English and Spanish translations.
- Literacy Lessons by Smekens Education Solutions - Here you can access free ready-to-use video lessons that will help K-12 students continue to grow as readers and writers.
- Nearpod - This is a student engagement platform with ready-to-run interactive lessons for K-12 teachers.
- Newsela - Engage students with thousands of texts on topics they care about most, with standards-aligned lesson supports built for ELA instruction.
- Willbooks - The free resources on this site include thousands of online books (English and Spanish), educational videos, poetry pages, and downloadable word searches.
- Smithsonian Magazine - The Smithsonian Institution has launched a central portal highlighting an array of distance learning resources, from STEM webcasts to American history podcasts and comprehensive lesson plans. Offerings range from low- or no-tech (interviewing family members for oral history projects) to high-tech (diving into an interactive exploration module).
- Mystery Science - Here you’ll find open-and-go lessons that inspire kids to love science. Science curriculum for K-5th grades. BONUS: They’re offering free memberships for a year if you signup now!
- Science Techbook - Change the way students experience real-world science by igniting their curiosity and accelerating achievement. This site provides exciting multimedia, virtual activities and hands-on labs with model lessons, STEM project starters, and standard-aligned assessments.
- Scientific American - Help kids bring science home with these fun science activities which parents and their kids ages 6-12 can do together with household items in just a half hour or less. Teachers can also incorporate these activities into their lessons.
- Migrant Literacy Needs - This site provides teachers with supplemental resources to help students develop individual literacy skills. Content is geared toward students in grades 1-8.
- Salsa Georgia - Salsa is Georgia Public Broadcasting's award-winning Spanish language series for young learners in grades K-3…but it’s just as applicable here in Indiana! Puppets in familiar stories, digital graphics and animation teach the language.
- Willbooks - The free resources on this site include thousands of online books (English and Spanish), educational videos, poetry pages, and downloadable word searches.
- Carnegie Mellon CS Academy - The folks at Carnegie have developed a world class CS curriculum for high school students. And it’s 100% free!
- CS Coloring Book - This is a great unplugged option for learning about computer science topics for grades K-12.
- CS Unplugged - Looking for free teaching material that teaches Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around? Look no further
- Discovery Education - Take learning beyond the classroom and into the real world. Includes streaming video for learning, STEM challenges and virtual field trips.
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