Dental Assisting
Instructor: Kristine Johnson
Students focus and prepare for careers in the dental field with an emphasis on dental assisting. Students will study head, neck, oral anatomy and oral hygiene. The role of dental assistant moves students towards the study and hands-on practice (in the operatory) on chair-side assisting, office procedures/equipment and their correct use. Students enrolled in this program will meet the CTE Concentrator status for graduation over the course of one academic year by completing the following courses:- 7315 - Principles in Dental Careers
- 7316 - Dental Careers Fundamentals
- 7317 - Advanced Dental Careers
Open to: Grades 11 and 12
Eleigible Certification: Dental Support Technician, CPR
Juniors who complete curriculum in an exemplary fashion may be eligible to apply to return to complete the capstone for this program. It is NOT required or guaranteed.
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