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High Ability Program

Elementary/Middle School (K-8) Overview

For K-8 grade levels in the School City of Hammond (SCH), students are identified as needing advanced curriculum instruction in Math, Language Arts, or General Intellectual (both Math and Language Arts). The needs of high ability students are met in the same way that the needs of all learners are addressed—through differentiated instruction tailored to each child’s abilities and readiness.

High ability students are typically placed in cluster groups within one or more classrooms at each grade level in each SCH K-8 school. These students receive accelerated and more complex curriculum and instruction in Math and/or Language Arts. For all other activities, such as grade-level science and social studies curriculum, field trips, and specials, they participate alongside their peers.

In addition to cluster grouping, SCH utilizes between-class grouping within the same grade level. High ability students may be “traded” among teachers within a grade to ensure they receive instruction tailored to their advanced academic needs. This approach allows for greater differentiation in order to meet the needs of high ability students within groups and may narrow the range of ability for teacher preparation within the grade level.

SCH provides extensive professional development opportunities to support educators working with high ability students. Teachers regularly participate in professional learning communities to share effective strategies and review procedures for meeting the needs of these students. SCH educators have access to state conferences and workshops focused on high ability education, including the Indiana Association for Gifted conference. 

Grant funds are utilized to support professional development, including bringing experts in gifted education to SCH and purchasing resources for both teachers and students. These funds also provide stipends for educators to pursue high ability endorsements. 

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